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उच्च रक्तचाप सम्बन्धी तपाइको प्रश्न हाम्रो उत्तर!

by Dr. Archan Shumsher Rana

A. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. Your blood pressure changes throughout the day based on your activities. Having blood pressure measures consistently above normal may result in a diagnosis of high blood pressure (or hypertension).
अ. उच्च रक्तचाप: यदि (BP) ब्लड प्रेसर २ वा सो भन्दा बढि पल्ट सामान्य प्रेसर भन्दा माथि हुन्छ, त्यसलाइ उच्च रक्तचाप भनिन्छ।

B. Symptoms of Severe High Blood Pressure
आ. उच्च रक्तचाप का लक्षणहरू
-Severe headache टाउको दुखाई
-Nosebleed नाक बाट रगत आउने
-Fatigue or confusion आलस्य
-Vision problems आखाको कमजोरी
-Chest pain छाती भारी हुने
-Difficulty breathing दम
-Irregular heartbeat मुटु हल्लेनी
-Blood in the urine पिसाबमा रगत
C. There are two main types of high blood pressure:
primary and secondary
इ. उच्च रक्तचाप दुई किसिमका हुन्छन:
१.प्राइमेरी वा वंशाणुगत (९०-९५%)
२.सेकेण्डरी वा केहि कारणले गर्दा

Primary, or essential, high blood pressure is the most common type of high blood pressure.
Secondary high blood pressure is caused by another medical condition or use of certain medicines

Some Q&A:
Q1: What is the main cause of hypertension?
१. उच्च रक्तचापका प्रमुख कारण के हो?

Common factors that can lead to high blood pressure include:

  1. A diet high in salt, fat, and/or cholesterol.
    मानिस जसका खानामा नुन, तेल वा बोसो को मात्रा बढि हुन्छ, unhealthy जथाभावी खाना खान्छन।
  2. Chronic conditions such as kidney and hormone problems, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
    दीर्घकालीण रोग वा मृगौलाका समस्या, ह्रमोनको समस्या, सुगर रोग, रगतमा उच्च बोसो, आदि.
  3. Family history, especially if your parents or other close relatives have high blood pressure
    सबै भन्दा महत्वपुर्ण, वुवा, मुवा वा परिवारमा कसैलाइ उच्च रक्तचाप भएमा ।
  4. Obesity मोटापन
  5. Alcohol मदिरापान
  6. Smoking धुम्रपान

Q2: Can hypertension be cured?
२. के उच्च रक्तचाप निको हुन्छ??

उच्च रक्तचाप दीर्धकालीन समस्या हो। यो नीको हुन्न तर नियनत्रणमा राख्न सकिन्छ।
धेरैको धारणा के हुन्छ भने “ एक पल्ट औषधी शुरू गरे पछि जीन्दगी भरि औषधी खानुपर्छ” त्यसै औषधी नै खादैनन्।
हाम्रो उद्देश्य उच्च रक्तचाप control गर्ने हो; खानपीन बारेर, शाररिक व्ययाम गरेर वा औषधी सेवन गरेर, जसरी भए पनि उच्च रक्तचाप राम्रो हुनुपर्यो। जटिलता लाइ नपरखिनु होला, औषधी बाट नआटिनु होला ।
Hypertension is a chronic disease. It can be controlled with medication, but it cannot be cured. Therefore, patients need to continue with the treatment and lifestyle modifications as advised by their doctor, and attend regular medical follow up, usually for life

Q3: How to Prevent High Blood Pressure?
३. उच्च रक्तचाप बाट कसरी जोगिन सकिन्छ?

  1. सन्तुलन आहार खाने
    Eat a Healthy Diet
    Choose healthy meal and snack options to help you avoid high blood pressure and its complication
  2. तौल सहि अंकमा राख्ने
    Keep Yourself at a Healthy Weight.
  3. शाररिक व्ययाम गर्ने
    Be Physically Active
  4. धुम्रपान बन्द
    Do Not Smoke
  5. रक्सी सेवन नगर्ने
    Limit How Much Alcohol You Drink
  6. ६-८ धण्टा सुत्ने
    Get Enough Sleep
  7. हरेक दिन २.५-३ लिटर पानी खाने
    2.5-3 liters of water everyday
  8. नुन को मात्रा कम गर्ने
    No extra Salt Intake

Q4: What are 3 risk factors which contribute to the development of hypertension?

Modifiable risk factors include unhealthy diets (excessive salt consumption, a diet high in saturated fat and trans fats, low intake of fruits and vegetables), physical inactivity, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, and being overweight or obese

Q5: Why is hypertension called the silent killer?
५. उच्च रक्तचाप लाई किन silent killer रोग भनिन्छ?

उच्च रक्तचाप को केहि लक्षण हुदैन। भित्र भित्रै महत्वपुर्ण अंगहरू लाई नष्ट गर्छ।
मुटुको रोग, मृगौलाको रोग, प्यारालाइसिस रोग, ब्रेन स्टोक्र, अन्दोपन, आदि।
Often referred to as the “silent killer” because it may show no symptoms, high blood pressure puts you at an increased risk for heart disease, Kidney failure, blindness, and stroke, among other things.

Q6: Is hypertension heart disease?
६. के उच्च रक्तचाप मुटु रोग हो?

Hypertension is not heart disease. However, hypertension can be a major contributing factor for heart disease, which is why hypertension is not something you want to ignore.
Kidney plays a very important role in maintaining Blood Pressure.

Q7: Can high blood pressure go undetected?

“Rule of 1/3rd”
1/3rd of total population has high Blood pressure, among which only
1/3rd has Consulted Medical help &
Only 1/3rd is taking medicine effectively (to control it)
Millions of people with uncontrolled hypertension are seen by health care professionals each year, but their hypertension remains undetected or undiagnosed

Q8: What happens when hypertension is left untreated?
८: उच्च रक्तचाप को उपचार नगरे के हुन्छ?

उच्च रक्तचाप ले दीर्घकालीन रोग लाई निम्ताउछ। दीर्घकालीन मृगौला रोग, ह्रदयधात, पक्षधात, साथै ज्यानको पनि जोखिम हुन्छ। समय मा उपचार गरेमा यी समस्याबाट बच्न र बचाउन सकिन्छ। Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to disability, a poor quality of life, or even a deadly heart attack or stroke. Treatment and lifestyle changes can help control high blood pressure to reduce the risk of life-threatening complications

Q9: How is hypertension diagnosed?
९. उच्च रक्तचाप को कसरी निदान गर्ने?

प्रेसर नाप्ने, कम्तीमा २ पल्ट। दुबै हातमा।
Manually or Digitally
Your doctor can diagnose hypertension by checking your blood pressure. It is a very simple test that takes only a few minutes. Usually an inflatable upper arm cuff with a gauge is used. Your doctor or other medical professional will slide the blood pressure cuff to just above your elbow on your bare arm

Q10: Can hypertension be cured naturally?

Unfortunately there is “NO cure”for high blood pressure currently, but you can take steps to manage it even without medication. Here are 7 ways to lower your blood pressure naturally: Exercise! Regular exercise is great for your overall well-being, and it can also help with lowering your BP

Q11: What is the first aid for hypertension?

In a hypertensive emergency, the first goal is to bring down the blood pressure as quickly as possible with intravenous (IV) blood pressure medications to prevent further organ damage. Whatever organ damage has occurred is treated with therapies specific to the organ that is damaged

Q12: When is blood pressure an emergency?
१२: उच्च रक्तचाप डरलाग्दो/ खतरनाक कहिल्य हुन्छ?

BP १८०/१२० भन्दा बढि भएमा
Seek emergency care if your blood pressure reading is 180/120 or higher AND you have any of the following symptoms, which may be signs of organ damage: Chest pain. Shortness of breath. Numbness or weakness

Q13: What blood pressure is stroke level???
१३: उच्च रक्तचाप ले कहिल्य पक्षधात प्यारालाईसिस गर्नसक्छ?

Blood pressure readings above 180/120 mmHg are considered stroke-level, dangerously high and require immediate medical attention

Q14: Can High BP cause kidney failure?
१४: के उच्च रक्तचाप ले मृगौला विफल गर्छ?

मृगौला विफल को प्रमुख कारण मघ्य १ हो, उच्च रक्तचाप।
This is why high blood pressure (hypertension) is the second leading cause of kidney failure. Over time, uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause arteries around the kidneys to narrow, weaken or harden. These damaged arteries are not able to deliver enough blood to the kidney tissue.

Q15: Can you get high blood pressure from stress?
१५: चिन्ता वा मानसिक समस्याले उच्च रक्तचाप गर्छ?

गर्नसक्छ ।
Your body produces a surge of hormones when you're in a stressful situation. These hormones temporarily increase your blood pressure by causing your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to narrow. There's no proof that stress by itself causes long-term high blood pressure

Q16: What is Malignant Hypertension???

Malignant hypertension is very high blood pressure (>180/120) that comes on suddenly and quickly with end organ damage. The kidneys filter wastes and excrete fluid when the pressure of blood in the bloodstream forces blood through the internal structures of the kidney

Q17: Does anger cause high blood pressure?

Maybe you have heard someone say, “adrenaline rush,” “surge of adrenaline” or “fight or flight.” All of these refer to your body's release of adrenaline in a stressful situation, such as being angry. Adrenaline causes your heart to beat faster and squeezes arteries and veins, making your blood pressure increase

Q18: Is hypertension a disease?
१८. के उच्च रक्तचाप रोग हो?

Hypertension ̶ or elevated blood pressure ̶ is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases. An estimated 46% of adults with hypertension are unaware that they have the condition
उच्च रक्तचाप रोग होइन, तर यो रोगहरूको समुन्द्र हो। उच्च रक्तचाप भएका मान्छेलाई अन्य रोग हुने सम्भावना बढि हुन्छ। त्यसै कारण उच्च रक्तचापलाई नियन्त्रणमा राख्नुपर्छ